Past Announcements: 40

Current Contents: 41






Announcements Index




Sketchbook Vol. 7, No. 3 ~ 2012 Issue 42 Announcements Index

Ongoing: Kids-Count-For-Earthday-Haiku Webfest—

January 31, 2013The British Haiku Awards 2012

December 31, 2012—Horses! Horses! Horses!  haiku, waka, haiga, and haibun about horses for possible publication in the online journal Diogen

November 15, 2012Moonbathing 7 Call for Submissions

October 1, 2012Journal of Renga & Renku 2012 renku contest

September 30, 2012Voices Israel 23rd annual Reuben Rose Poetry Competition Submission Deadline

September 1, 2012LUMMOX magazine: Submission Deadline

August 24, 2012July / August 2012 Sketchbook "vegetable(s)" Haiku Thread

August 23, 2012July / August 2012 Sketchbook Poem This Picture Contest

August 20, 2012August 20, 2012 SHH4 Contest ~ Autumn Kigo: Sketchbook Submission Deadline

August 18, 2012July / August "wind in the reeds" Kukai Sketchbook Submission Deadline

July 26th - 29th, 2012San Francisco International Poetry Festival

July 10, 2012Fourth International Kukai: Forget-Me-Not

July 2012—Cyclamens and Swords Publishing Newsletter

June 30, 2012The 7th International Tanka Festival 2012: mail only

June 24, 2012Submission Deadline: Announcing the Sketchbook May / June 30, 2012 "wedding / bride" Haiku Thread

June 23, 2012Submission Deadline: Announcing the Sketchbook May / June 2012 Poem This Picture Contest

June 20, 2012Submission Deadline: Sketchbook SHH Contest 3 ~ Summer Kigo

June 18, 2012Submission Deadline: Sketchbook "cloud(s)" kukai

June 2012—Cyclamens and Swords Publishing June 2012 Newsletter

May 31, 201210th International Haiku Poetry Contest in the Italian Language - 2012

May 16, 2012Entries in hand: Post to: Katikati Haiku Contest, PO Box 183, Katikati 3166, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

May 15, 2012Moonbathing: A Journal of Women's Tanka Issue 6: in hand deadline

May 01, 2012Cyclamens and Swords Publishing May 2012 Newsletter

April 28, 2012: Haikufest: Co-sponsored by the Haiku Society of America and the Skokie, Illinois Public Library

April 26, 2012Sketchbook March / April 30, 2012 "pond life" Haiku Thread

April 24, 2012—Poem This Picture (PTP) Contest: Sketchbook March / April 2012

April 20, 2012An International Kukai (Haiku Contest): Rita Odeh

April 20, 2012Sketchbook SHH (Showcase Haiku Haijin) Contest 2

April 19, 2012Sketchbook March / April 30, 2012 "swing" Kukai

April 15, 2012An Anthology of English-Language Haiku by Women

April 15, 2012Kaji Aso Studio Haiku Contest

April 01-30, 2012Cyclamens and Swords Publishing April 2012 Newsletter

March 25, 2012Cyclamens and Swords deadline for April 2012 publication

March 25, 2012WHR World Haiku Review Spring Issue

March 13, 2012Robert Spiess Memorial 2012 Haiku Awards

March 01, 20122nd Vladimir Devide Haiku Award - Open Haiku Competition

February 24, 2012—Announcing the Sketchbook January / February Poem This Picture Contest

February 25, 2012—Announcing the Sketchbook January / February 2012 "precious stones" Haiku Thread

February 19, 2012Voices Anthology Launch in New York City

February 19, 2012—Announcing the Sketchbook January / February 29, 2012 "waters of spring" Kukai

February 15, 2012Multiverses Journal inaugural issue deadline

January 31, 2012The British Haiku Soiciety Awards: Haiku and Haibun

 January 2012Newsletter Cyclamens and Swords Publishing

December 30, 2011—January 2, 2012—Sketchbook New Year's Haiku Festival









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