January 31,
2013: The British Haiku Awards 2012
Comprising the categories:
Haiku, Haibun and Tanka
Rules of the British Haiku Awards
1 Submissions must be in English, unpublished and not
concurrently entered for any other competition, (remaining
unpublished until results are declared).
There is no limit on the number of submissions per
2 Deadline: in the
administrator's hands by 31 January, 2013.
Entries for different categories may be sent in the same
3 Entry procedures:
For haiku or tanka, send each poem on three separate 5 x 3
inch. (125 x 75mm) cards (or paper cut to size.) On one only
of the 3 copies write your name and address on the back. For
haibun, send three copies of each haibun, each copy on a
separate A4 sheet(s). On one copy only put your name,
address, phone number and email address (if applicable).
Haibun must contain at least one haiku and at least 100
words of prose, and must not exceed 2,500 words in length.
Each haibun should be given a title.
Enclose the appropriate fee(s) (see below) and post to:
The British Haiku Awards, 37 Holt Road, North Elmham,
Norfolk, NR20 5JQ, UK. No entries will be returned, so do
keep your own copies.
4 Fees: The entry fee for up to 3 haiku or 3 tanka is £5 (or
US$ 8) and £1 (US$ 1) per haiku or tanka thereafter. The fee
for haibun is £5 (US$ 8) per entry. Cheques and money orders
payable to: The British Haiku Society (N.B. not 'BHS'.) Due
to high currency and clearance charges, payment can only be
accepted in sterling by cheque drawn on a bank with branches
in the UK; or by British postal order or International Money
Order; or (at the sender's risk) in sterling bank notes,
dollar bills, or Euro bank notes at the current rate of
exchange. (None have gone astray yet!)
5 No current trustee of the British Haiku Society is
eligible to enter.
6 Adjudication process: BHS will appoint two judges for
haiku, one for haibun and one for tanka. Each judge sees all
entries submitted in the category assigned to him/her, and
without consulting, makes his/her independent choice of best
haiku, haibun or tanka (and in the case of haiku and tanka,
one runner-up also). Their choices will be final and no
correspondence can be entered into about the results. It is
possible for an entrant to win more than one prize.
7 Prizes: For haiku, prizes of £125 will be awarded to each
of the two best and £50 to each of two runners-up. For tanka,
there is one prize of £125 and a runner-up prize of £50. For
haibun there will be one winner’s prize of £100 but at
present there will be no runner-up prize. (With an increased
number of entries in the future we hope to award a runner-up
prize as well.)
8 Publication of results: As soon as results are known and
the winners notified the results will be published, on the
BHS website at www.britishhaikusociety.org.uk All haiku and
tanka selected for awards, along with the judges’ reports,
will be published in the May 2013 issue of the BHS journal,
Blithe Spirit. It is hoped the selected haibun may also
appear in full in that issue, but as their length is
unpredictable, for space reasons the journal editor will use
his/her discretion about spreading publication over two
issues, i.e. May and August 2013.
9 For early notification of results, please enclose a
self-addressed envelope with appropriate UK stamp, or US$ 1,
or two International Reply Coupons.
10 Copyright reverts to authors after publication in the
British Haiku Society journal, Blithe Spirit, but entry for
any category signifies agreement to your work being
published digitally by the Society or copied for archival
purposes (for example, by the British Library or the Poetry
Library, London).
Judges for the British Haiku Awards 2012 will be announced
on the website when the selection process is complete.
For examples of previous winning Haiku and Haibun visit: