Results of the
January / February 2011 "east wind" Kukai
Announcing the January / February 28, 2011 "east
wind" Kukai
/ February 28, 2011 Kukai is
"east wind". SeeThe
Haiku Handbook, William J. Higginson, p. 267. Use the exact words
"east wind" in the haiku. No more
than a total of three haiku may be submitted. Haiku
submitted to the kukai should not be work shopped, appear
on-line in forums, or in print.
"east wind" kukai
Saturday, January 01, 2011 – Thursday, February 17, 2011 Midnight. Voting: Friday,
February 18, 2011 - Thursday, February 24, 2011,
The results will
be published in the Monday, February 28, 2011
Sketchbook 6-1 Results of the January /
February 28, 2011 "east wind" Kukai.
Letters to the
Sketchbook editors and discussions on
various forums indicate that some assumptions about a
kukai must be spelled out. From now on (April 1, 2008),
Haiku entered in the Sketchbook
kukai must be previously unpublished; they must
not be work shopped; they must not appear on any list,
forum, group, blog, or in print. In short, if the haiku
has appeared on the internet or in print we consider it
to have been published. The voting in a kukai is
anonymous and publication anywhere voids anonyminity.
Any haiku found to be previously published will be
A kukai is a peered
review poetry contest. A haiku Topic is assigned by the
editor. An 'anonymized' list of submitted haiku is then
distributed to all participating poets and they are
invited to vote. Votes are returned to the editor who
tallies the votes and publishes the haiku for the
participants, this time with names and points revealed.
1st Place
icy east wind —
a train attendant heats up
the samovar
# 22. Ramona Linke, DE
2nd Place Tie
east wind
a new moon in the arms
of the old
# 03. Catherine J.S. Lee, US
east wind
in a travel brochure
almonds in bloom
# 68. Ramona Linke, DE
3rd Place
east wind
the statue sheds
her snow shawl
# 39. Bill Cooper, US
snowy east wind
from afar
all trees are birches
# 33. Heike Stehr, DE
east wind
children try to crack
a frozen puddle
# 31. Marleen Hulst, NL
east wind
finishing her book
between visiting hours
# 06. Marleen Hulst, NL
4th Place
east wind
the ferryman counts
his change
# 24. Bouwe Brouwer, NL
east wind—
remembering what
I thought I’d forgotten
# 32. Cara Holman, US
east wind
a faint scent
from the chocolate factory
# 14. Bill Cooper, US
east wind
in the light of a street lamp
a fox
04. Ralf Bröker, DE
5th Place
across the bay
flapping night herons
east wind
# 62. Neal Whitman, US
church door—
only the east wind
can't knock on it
# 43. Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu, RO
false spring
an east wind tossing
the plum blossoms
# 28. Catherine J.S. Lee, US
east wind—
clouds converge
upon my thoughts
# 07. Cara Holman, US
6th Place
east wind—
waves of radio music
the soca vibes
# 67. Gillena Cox, TT
east wind
each petal
just enough
# 64. Thomas Martin, US
new myths—
the name of the east wind
is no longer Eurus
# 60. Vania Stefanova, BG
east wind
the letter from school
addressed to her parents
# 54. Marleen Hulst, NL
carnival season—
an influx of tourists
east wind
# 45. Gillena Cox, TT
sunrise over sea—
the east wind sweeps away
the last sand castle
# 18. Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu, RO
east wind—
his words bristling
on grain stalks
# 10. Alegria Imperial, CA
east wind
the riverine stones change
their colors
# 08. Heike Stehr, DE
7th Place
east wind—
our wind chime
caught an ADHD
# 70. Juhani Tikkanen, FN
east wind—
a blues musician
enter the subway
# 69. Alex Serban, RO
east wind
dine out without
a tablecloth
# 56. Nelly Dobrinova, BG
just docked
from the orient
The East Wind
# 41. Bernard Gieske, US
in the stones—
the east wind
# 35. Alegria Imperial, CA
banging screen door
unwelcomed guest
east wind
# 16. Bernard Gieske, US
east wind
the ferris wheel rolls
to the setting sun
# 05. Jacek Magolak, PL
8th Place
morning tea
on the veranda
an east wind
# 71. John Daleiden, US
straw hat—
an east wind gust
takes off the black bow
# 65. Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu, RO
east wind
the foghorn precedes
the fog
# 61. Bill Cooper, US
is calling—
east wind
# 52. Ralf Bröker, DE
morning tai chi—
Statue of Liberty conducts
the east wind
# 50. Cezar-Florian Ciobîc ă,
east wind
pitying the beggar's
# 48. Bouwe Brouwer, NL
Granny feels the east wind
in her bones.
# 46. Ramona Linke, DE
east wind
I almost catch up
with myself
# 42. Thomas Martin, US
light ripples
on the ocean...
east wind
# 36. Keith A. Simmonds, TT
east wind...
I follow her soft prints
in the vanishing snow
# 30. Jacek Magolak, PL
a flawless fugue
in my old bones—
east wind
# 27. Cezar-Florian Ciobîc ă,
east wind—
dusty snow disappearing
to the west
# 26. Juhani Tikkanen, FN
east wind
starts snowing—
nobody in the park
# 23. Alex Serban, RO
east wind...
rays of sunlight
licking my cheeks
# 11. Keith A. Simmonds, TT
east wind
bedsheets play hide and seek
with the breeze
# 01. Margaret Dornaus, US
9th Place
east wind
it is hard to breathe
the field's air
# 66. Willie R. Bongcaron, PH
blowing snow
fading footsteps to the barn
east wind
# 63. Bernard Gieske, US
Birds fly to the west
East wind guides them all the way
Before the sunset.
# 59. Munia Khan, BG
a river
bursting its banks—
east wind
# 58. Keith A. Simmonds, TT
storm clouds
flying on an east wind—
absent dawn
# 57. Alegria Imperial, CA
east wind—
all roads lead
to home
# 55. Cara Holman, US
east wind
a sneaker bobs
on the wire
# 53. Jacek Magolak, PL
broad reach . . .
an east wind whips spindrift
against the taffrail
# 51. Catherine J.S. Lee, US
behind the snowy hill
east wind drawing closer—
freezing morning
# 49. Juhani Tikkanen, FN
a dragon in the sky
composed of fluffy clouds—
east wind blows
# 47. Alex Serban, RO
the courage to hide
the tears under my sleeves...
east wind
# 44. Willie R. Bongcaron, PH
a trawler
off Pigeon Point
east wind
# 40. Neal Whitman, US
inverted vase is
spilling water—
east wind
# 38. Vania Stefanova, BG
East wind
Mingles with her tears
Sorrow fades away
# 37. Munia Khan, BG
few drops of patchouli
sunrise comes
with an east wind
# 34. Nelly Dobrinova, BG
blue buds
on the boundary ridge
east wind
# 29. Ralf Bröker, DE
east wind—
the absence in the
funeral procession
# 25. Bouwe Brouwer, NL
words left unsaid
drift upon the east wind—
freeze within my heart
# 21. Brian Strand, UK
east wind—
Christmas trees made bare
placed in storage
# 20. Gillena Cox, TT
east wind
but I ask thee
for tidings
# 19. Willie R. Bongcaron, PH
east wind
I almost
catch my mind
# 17. Thomas Martin, US
east wind
and a clear sky
nodding day lilies
# 15. Neal Whitman, US
my hat flies
round the corner
blows east wind
# 13. Vania Stefanova, BG
East Wind
Brings back memories
Cool breeze blows no more
# 12. Munia Khan, BG
east wind
sweeps away
the gossamer
# 09. Nelly Dobrinova, BG
east wind scattering
smell of wet earth—
# 02. Cezar-Florian Ciobîc ă,
Hello Haiku
Below is the
ballot for the Sketchbook May
January / February 28, 2011 "east wind" Kukai
Please NOTE
that the votes should be sent to
CALL FOR Sketchbook "east wind" Kukai Vote:
Submissions: Saturday, January 01, 2011
– Thursday, February 17, 2011 Midnight. Voting: Friday,
February 18, 2011 - Thursday, February 24, 2011, Midnight.
1. All the
entries are listed on the ballot by number.
2. Only submitting Kukai Poets are eligible to vote.
3. Email your votes to:
kukaieditor@poetrywriting.org When voting, please use the
"east wind"
Kukai in the subject line of your
4. Each poet has SIX (6) points to use for the kukai vote.
Voters may distribute the points in increments of 1, 2, or 3.
You may not cast more than 3 points for any single poem.
5. Please do not vote for your own poem(s). Any such votes will
be disqualified.
6. Please use the following format to submit your votes (listing
by numerical order, rather than order of preference, as the
sample below):
Subject:"east wind"
Kukai Vote
Each voter
has 6 points:
# 03--1 pt.
# 11--2 pts.
# 28--3 pts.
7. All votes
will be compiled and the haiku will then be published in the
June 30, 2009 Sketchbook with votes received; on
the names of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, etc. place poets' names will
be revealed. Haiku receiving 0 votes will be published without
names. If you want your name revealed regardless of the number
of votes received please notify the
kukaieditor@poetrywriting.org with the submission of your
The votes will
appear as per the following sample:
0 2 7 11 =
____ Place
Which means:
No voter gave 3
points, 2 voters gave 2 points, 7 voters gave 1 point = for a
total of 11 points
CALL FOR Sketchbook "east wind" Kukai Vote:
Submissions: Saturday, January 01, 2011
– Thursday, February 17, 2011 Midnight. Voting: Friday,
February 18, 2011 - Thursday, February 24, 2011, Midnight.
