

childwriter's sketchbook

a journal for eastern and western forms


Ekphrastic Quatrains ~ My Mother Thinks I’m Old Fashioned

Karin Anderson, AU


Photo by saysagedog at Photobucket


My Mother Thinks I’m Old Fashioned


My Mother thinks I’m old fashioned
and won’t let me date a great girl,
but I love Miss Amber Gurgle
who should have a cool sausage curl.

My Mother thinks I’m old fashioned
but Mother’s hair’s a pricked porcupine,
it streaks like a white jack rabbit
yet my girl has sausage roll shine.

My mother thinks I’m old fashioned
we could date without my school shoes,
my Mother teeters on stilt heels
with her dizzy dipped point of views.

My mother thinks I’m old fashioned,
she stopped making us meat stuffed pies,
stuffs her face with fat-free-cheese cake
and mean-skinny-mingy stir fries.

My mother thinks I’m old fashioned
but Amber Gurgle knows I’m not,
true to her name she gurgles truth
to touch my fun-filled fuzzy spot.

My Mother thinks I’m old fashioned
‘cause Dad went to school without shoes,
he was called a country bumpkin
and played with hip-hop kangaroos.

But my Father agrees with Mother,
and shouts out “put on your school shoes,”
your sausage dog can’t go to school
so after school take off your shoes!




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