




Cover Art






peace on earth
—   they followed the guiding light     to a manger

~The Sketchbook Editors


Graphic from Photobucket


Richard Biscayart, US; Tatjana Debeljacki, CR; Don Hall, CA; Judi Suni Hall, CA; Elizabeth Howard, US; Lavana Kray, RO; Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu RO; Karen O'Leary, US; Emily Romano, US; Cynthia Rowe, AU; Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic, CR


January / February 29, 2012 Poem the Picture Contest

Shanna Baldwin Moore, US

Write a poem in any form for this Picture. is the place to send your entry by Midnight, Friday, February 24, 2012. The winning poem will be featured in the next issue of Sketchbook along with all entries. Click here to see a full sized image: January / February, 2012.


Cover Art

Emily Romano, US ~ Currents

Click for full sized image


Use Bable Fish to view Sketchbook in another language


Contest News & Announcements

Sketchbook Nov. / Dec. 31, 2011 "old calendar" Kukai Results

Sketchbook Jan / Feb 29, 2012 "candle(s)" Haiku Thread

Announcing Sketchbook Found Poem Contest Results

Sketchbook Results Nov / Dec 31, 2011 Poem This Picture - Contest

The Winner is . . . Blue Orb Lady by Tracy McPherson, US

The following five poets from three countries contributed five poems to this contest.

Paticipants: Cezar F. Ciobîcă, RO; Bernard, Gieske, US; Tracy McPherson, US; Sandra Martyres, IN; Yamadori, US

Countries: India, Romania, United States



Global Correspondents

Connecting to Israel

The Contest Circle

by Helen-Bar Lev

Johnmichael Simon and Helen Bar-Lev invite you to visit their website; poetry, short stories, artwork, contest, publishing and more. Cyclamens and Swords Publishing.

Cyclamens and Swords Publishing January 2012 Newsletter

February 19, 2012: Voices Anthology Launch in New York City



Sketchbook Global Correspondents


John Tiong Chunghoo, Malaysia
Gillena Cox, Trinidad
Sally Evans, Scotland
Jan Oskar Hansen, Portugal
Helen Bar-Lev, Israel
Bob Lucky, Hangzhou, China
Martin Lochner, ZA
Cristian Mocanu, Romania  
Aju Mukhopadhyay, India
Rita Odeh, Israel
Kala Ramesh, India
E. E. Sule, Nigeria
Alegria Imperial, Canada

Various Correspondents will be featured from month to month.



Sketchbook is an E-Journal for 
Eastern and Western Short Verse Forms

In 2011 Sketchbook will be published on the last day of each month bi-monthly:  February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Submission deadline: 20th of each publishing month six times a year.

Submissions are open to the general public.

Send to:
Subject: Submission + Genre(s) + Author Name

Renhai Editor, Vaughn Seward:

Read the complete submission guidelines


Announcing the January / February 29, 2012 "waters of spring" Kukai

The November / December 31, 2011 Kukai is "waters of spring"See The Haiku Handbook, William J. Higginson, p. 268. Use the exact words "waters of spring"  in the haiku. No more than a total of three haiku may be submitted. Haiku submitted to the kukai should not be work shopped, appear on-line in forums, or in print.

no bridge and
the sun ready to set
waters of spring

~Buson  (Higginson, Haiku Handbook, p. 14).

"waters of spring" (haru no mizu, all spring) in The Five Hundred Essential Japanese Season Words: on-line:

"waters of spring" Kukai

Submissions: Sunday, January 01, 2012 – Sunday, February 19, 2012 Midnight.

Voting: Monday, February 20, 2012 - Sunday, February 26, 2012, Midnight.

The results will be published in the Wednesday, February 29, 2012 Sketchbook Vol. 7 No. 1 "waters of spring" Kukai results.

Letters to the Sketchbook editors and discussions on various forums indicate that some assumptions about a kukai must be spelled out. From now on (April 1, 2008), Haiku entered in the Sketchbook kukai must be  previously unpublished; they must not be work shopped; they must not appear on any list, forum, group, blog, or in print. In short, if the haiku has appeared on the internet or in print we consider it to have been published. The voting in a kukai is anonymous and publication anywhere voids anonyminity. Any haiku found to be previously published will be disqualified.

A kukai is a peered review poetry contest. A haiku Topic is assigned by the editor. An 'anonymized' list of submitted haiku is then distributed to all participating poets and they are invited to vote. Votes are returned to the editor who tallies the votes and publishes the haiku for the participants, this time with names and points revealed.

Index to past Kukai: Vol. 1, No. 1 ~ October 2006 - Current


Announcing the January / February 2012 "precious stones" Haiku Thread

The theme of the January / February 29, 2012 haiku thread will be anything to do with "precious stones" of any kind—crystals, emeralds, diamonds, ruby, pearl, amethysts, etc.

Writers may post an unlimited number of haiku to the "precious stones" Haiku Thread.

Subject Line: 
Jan. / Feb. 2012 "precious stones" Haiku Thread

Deadline: Midnight Saturday February 25, 2012


Author, Country

All Haiku received will be posted daily on-line at January / February 29, 2012 "precious stones" Haiku Thread.

The Sketchbook editors will select their Monthly Haiku Choices from this thread for publication in the Wednesday, February 29, 2012 Sketchbook.

Index to past Haiku Threads: Vol. 1, No. 1 ~ October 2006 - Current










Sketchbook Special Features

November / December 31, 2011 Sketchbook Vol. 6, No. 6

Poetry Genres

Featuring Sketchbook Poets

Featuring Sketchbook II Poets: Shanna's Beat: RD Armstrong, US; Paul Curtiss, US; Tracy McPherson, US; Shanna Baldwin Moore, US; Joyce Watkins, US; Ben Wesling, US

Featuring childwriter's sketchbook Poe:ts: Vol. 4, No. 6: November / December 2011:  Karin Anderson, AU; Bernard Gieske, US; Karen O'Leary, US

Little Black Book: Amy Gieske, US; Bernard Gieske, US; Munia Khan, BD

Sketchbook Index for November / December 31, 2011

Announcements Index: November / December 31, 2011

A - M  Sketchbook Biographies

N - Z  Sketchbook Biographies

State Poet Laureate Information; United States Poets Laureate

Eastern Genre

Haibun: Chen-ou Liu, CA

Ghazal: Sunil Uniyal, IN

Haiku: Tatjana Debeljacki, CR; Elizabeth Howard, US; John Kinory, UK; Chen-ou Liu, CA; "candle(s) Haiku Thread; "cemetery" Kukai; New Year's Haiku and Haiga Festival

Monostiches: Chen-ou Liu, CA

Renhai: John Daleiden, US; Gillena Cox, TT; Walter Mathois, AT; Vaughn Seward, CA; Neal Whitman, US

Renku: Tomislav Maretić, CR and Lynette Arden, AU: Four Yotsumono

Senryu: Vania Stefanova, BG

Tanka and Tanka Prose: Matthew Caretti, US; Chen-ou Liu, CA; Charles D. Tarlton, US

Western Genre

Acrostic:  Karen O'Leary, US

Cinquain: John Daleiden, US

Concrete Poetry: Munia Khan, BD

Epigrams: Chen-ou Liu ,CA

Experimental Forms: Karin Anderson, AU; Brian Strand, UK

Found Poem: Karina Klesko, US; Neal Whitman, US

Free Verse: RD Armstrong, US; Helen Bar-Lev, IL; Danica Bartulovic, CR; Elizabeth Howard, US; Tracy McPherson, US; Zvi A. Sesling, IL

Yugen: Georgi Milev, BG; Vania Stefanova, BG


Results of the Found Poetry Contest

First Place Winner: Bernard Gieske, USOur World A Collage Afloat

Second Place Winner: Cristian Mocanu, RO: Brief Encounter

Poems of Honourable Merit: Munia Khan, BD: An English Poem; Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé: Villanelle: Ut Pictura Poesis; Aju Mukhopadhyay, IN: Bumblebee Bamboozles

Contest Judges: Karina Klesko, John Daleiden, Neal Whitman

Entries in the Found Poem Contest Index

Participants: Vinta Agrawal, IN; Marg Beverland, NZ; Zlata Bogovic, CR; Bernard Gieske, US; Peggy Heinrich, US; Harvey Jenkins, CA; Munia Khan, BD; Maude Larke, FR; Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé; Cristian Mocanu, RO; Aju Mukhopadhyay, IN; Emily Romano, US; Djurdja Vukelic Rozic, CR; Zvi A. Sesling; Brian Strand, UK

Examples of Found Poem Format: Found Poem: Karina Klesko, US; Neal Whitman, US



Feature ~ New Year's Haiku Festival

Send your New Year's haiku greeting to Sketchbook and Sketchbook readers.  The "greetings" will be posted starting at Midnight Friday, December 30, 2011 ~ through Midnight, Sunday January 01, 2012.  Send to:

Subject Line: NewYearsHaikuFestival

Link: New Year's Haiku Festival



Read Let US Pray

Participants in the November / December 31, 2011 Let Us Pray Feature

Poets participating: Danica Bartulović, CR; Joseph Farley, US; Sandra Martyres, IN; Brian Strand, UK; Sunil Uniyal, IN

Countries: Croatia, India, United Kingdom, United States


Featured Art

Winter 2011 Watercolors

Selected from Photobucket


Featured Art

Art Gallery

by Üzeyir Lokman Çayci, FR


Featured Art Photography

Art Photo Gallery

by Iolanda Scripca, US



Art Feature

Art Gallery

Emily Romano, US


Experimental Poetry Forms

Syllabic Verse; Ten Word Verse

Karin Anderson, AU; Brian Strand, UK



Contributing Editor Helen Bar-Lev



Contributing Editor Jeff Sphar-Summers

The Poetry VictimsVol. 8, Issue 4

Featuring Art by zzbaggins; Amy Kohut; Katie B - Michael Crowley  and
Poetry by Heather Lenz; Jeffrey Spahr-Summers; Anthony Glumac; Cindy Stell; Sarah Martin; Marcie Riel

Read ZZ BagginsNot Quite so Personal and Irregular Diary


Enter the Book Fair

November / December 29, 2011 Featured Books Information

Author, Title, Country

Book Fair: All Featured Book List


November / December 31, 2011 "old calendar" Kukai Results

    First Place:  Vania Stefanova, BG

    Second Place: John Daleiden, US

    Third Place: Vania Stefanova, BG

Read the "old calendar" Kukai Results

Congratulations to the "old calendar" Kukai winners.


Ramesh Anand, MY; Wille R. Bongcaron, PH; Bouwe Brouwer, NL;Cezar F. Ciobica, RO; Ailoaei Cristina; John Daleiden, US; Bernard Gieske, US; Cara Holman, US; Alegra Imperial, CA; Munia Khan, BD; Sandra Martyres, IN; Aju Mukhopadhyay, IN; Sergio Ortiz, US; Stella Pierides, DE/UK; Emily Romano, US; Janak Sapkota, NP; Keith A. Simmonds, TT; Brian Strand, UK; Vania Stefanova, BG; Juhani Tikkanen, FI; Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic, CR; Angie Werren, US; Neal Whitman, US; Yamadori, US

Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Finland, Germany, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Philippians, Romania, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States


Editor's Choice November / December 31, 2011 "candle(s)" Haiku Thread

Karina's Choices ~ Light A Candle

John's Choices ~ “Candle In The Wind”

Guest Bernard Gieske's Choices ~ Haiku - myiads of meanings, images, and memoires

Read the November / December 31, 2011 "candle(s)" Haiku Thread

The following thirty-one Haijin from fourteen countries have contributed one hundred forty-one haiku to the  November / December 31, 2011 "candle(s)" Haiku Thread

Participants: Ramesh Anand, MY; Karin Anderson, AU; Danica Bartulović; Priyanka Bhowmick, IN;  Willie R. Bongcaron, PH;  Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă, RO; John Daleiden, US; Smajil Durmisevic, BA; Bernard Gieske, US;  Cara Holman, US; Alegria Imperial, CA;  Munia Khan, BD; Chen-ou Liu, CA; Tonka Lovric, CR; Vladimir Ludvig, CR; Sandra Martyres, IN;  Ljudmila Milena Mršić, CR; Karen O'Leary, US; P K Padhy, IN; Stella Pierides, DE; UK; Emily Romano, US; Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic, CR; Stjepan Rozic, CR; Keith A. Simmonds, TT; Vania Stefanova, BG; Irena Szewczyk PL; Juhani Tikkanen, FI; Maria Tirenescu, RO; Angie Werren, US; Neal Whitman, US; Yamadori, US

Countries:  Australia, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Finland, Germany, India, Malaysia,  Philippines, Poland, Romania, United States


From the Editor's Chair


Karina Klesko, US and John Daleiden, US






to the top









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