




Let US Pray Feature




Hugh Fox


Free Verse

The Evidence


Every jungle-fang surrounding me
in the ayahuasca Amazon,
hypnotic tiger eyes and claws, tribal
hands and gods, remembering my
grandma's hats and nose, hose, shoes,
my Amazonian wife's father and
his taking me into his heart, part
of tribal oneness, the prostate cancer
comes and Isadora and I on our
knees every night, prayer-hands on
the bed, "Another ten, even twenty
years, you've given us all this, and...,"
feeling the Presence/Presences
surrounding us, making us part of
their Everywhereness, feeling the
power come down into our cells,
the spells of recovery-sanity
belief that simply bring us into
the infinity-dimensioned IS.




Raised as an everyday Mass super-Irish Catholic in
Depression Time Chicago, The Body and Blood of
Christ, talking to Him and the Father and Holy Spirit
full time, like three fathers/brothers/best buddies,
and then pre-med and med, three wives, moving
to L.A., Caracas, Brazil, slowly the universe is just
THERE, no one to pray to, no WHY to pray, until
I hit 78 and the prostate starts battling me, my kidneys
start failing, 6 Emergency Room visits in one week,
then surgeries, biopsies, attaching my kidneys to
bags on my legs, and we began to kneel down every
night "Please....thanks for this long....only we want
more...need more....please....we love you...," and
THEY (Melech Haolam) are there again in the cold Fall
nights, never really leaving in the morning either, back
to kid-time again, or, even closer to the truth, into Final Vision
the infinity-dimensioned IS.









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