Cover Art














Pris Campbell Photo Haiga



Ed Baker, USHaiga; Gillena Cox, TTHaiga; Jerry Dreesen, CAHaiga; Karina Klesko, USHaiga;  Cinquain; Iga Gala Miemus, PLHaiga; Janice Thomson, CAHaiga

Gillena Cox, TTSolo Haiga Renhai: Frothy Beer

Photo Haiga

Robin Beshers, USHaiga; Pris CampbellHaiga; Susan Constable, CAHaiga; Laryalee Fraser, CAHaiga; Louise Linville, USHaiga; Maya Lyubenova, BGHaiga; Jacek Margolak, PLHaiga; Shanna Baldwin Moore, USHaiga; Carol Sircoulomb, USHaiga; Max VerhartHaiga

Photo Haiga Haibun

Gillena Cox, TTLily of the Valley

Collaborative Photo Haiga

Mary Davila, US and Dawn BruceHaiga; Mary Davila, US and Kathy Earsman—Haiga; Laryalee Fraser, US and Don Baird, US—Haiga

Haiga Video: Heart Beat

Haiga by Pris Campbell
Producer: Karina Klesko


Hisajo in the Light of English Haikai Movement

Installment 5: Chapter 4: Is a haijin a poet? Is a haiku art?—March / April 30, 2009 Sketchbook

Installment 4: Chapter 3: Kyoshi and the Irony of Shiki’s Modern Haiku Movement—February 2009 Sketchbook

Installment 3: Chapter 2: Glass Ceilings of Hisajo Renaissance—December 2008 Sketchbook

Installment 2: Chapter 1: Who Introduced Hisajo—November 2008 Sketchbook

Installment 1: Prologue: My Courtesy VisitOctober 2008 Sketchbook

by Eiko Yachimoto


Cover Artist


Ed Baker, US





Jeff Spahr-Summers

Once I was a Purist



Contest News


Results of the Caribbean Kigo # 1 Kukai

Results of the Caribbean Kigo # 2 Kukai



April 1, 2009: Voices of Israel 2009 Anthology availaible

April 1, 2009: The Reagan Psalms CD on sale for $9.99

April 5, 2009: UNDER HEAVEN'S DOME, Sounds of Haiku - a celebration of words and music

May 10, 2009Postmark deadline for submission to TSA International Tanka Competition

April 1 - May 15, 2009Modern American Tanka Call for Submissions MET 12

May 14, 2009Voices of Israel releases new website

May 15, 2009Anthology of International Haiku about War, Human Right Violence & Discrimination

May 1 -  May 31, 2009The Poet's Gallery May 2009 Calendar, San Francisco, CA

May 1 - May 31, 2009Magna Poets Print Journal sunbmission period

May 21 - 22, 2009The North Beach Annual Poetry Festival

May 30, 2009Deadline for Submission to Atlas Poetica : A Journal of Poetry of Place in Modern English Tanka

May 31, 2009The Poet's Gallery June 2009 Calendar from Philip Hacket

Deadline for Submission to Shamrock Haiku Journal

May 31, 2009Deadline for Submission to Cyclamens and Swords "Not What You Might Expect" poetry theme.

June 1 - 22, 2009The Poet's Gallery June 2009 Calendar Philip Hackett

June 15, 2009Prune Juice No. 2, Summer 2009: Journal of Senryu and Kyoka

July 1, 2009--Deadline for submission to Ambrosia 4--quarterly journal—a print literary journal, a PDF e-book, and a digital online magazine

August 5-9, 2009Haiku North America 2009 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

October 31, 2009San Francisco International Competition: Haiku, Senryu, Tanka and Rengay

November 1, 2009Entry date for 2009 Anderbo Poetry Prize



Sketchbook Mailbag


Norman Olson


Writer's Handbook

Writer's Handbook Index



Global Correspondents


Connecting to Israel

Riding the Elephant

by Helen-Bar Lev

Voices of Israel 2009 Anthology availaible


Johnmichael Simon and Helen Bar-Lev invite you to visit their website; poetry, short stories, artwork, contest, publishing and more. Cyclamens and Swords Publishing.


Connecting to Trinidad and Tobago

Lily of the Valley

by Gillena Cox







John Tiong Chunghoo, Malaysia
Gillena Cox, Trinidad
Sally Evans, Scotland
Helen Bar-Lev, Israel
Bob Lucky, Hangzhou, China
Cristian Mocanu, Romania  
Aju Mukhopadhyay, India
Rita Odeh, Israel
Kala Ramesh, India
E. E. Sule, Nigeria

Various Correspondents will be featured from month to month.




Announcing May / June "Sunflower(s)" 2009 Kukai

The May / June 2009 Kukai theme is "sunflower(s)" . Use the exact words "sunflower(s)"  in the haiku. No more than a total of three haiku may be submitted. Haiku submitted to the kukai should not be workshopped, appear on-line in forums, or in print.


Author, Country

sunflower(s) kukai

Submissions: Friday, May 01, 2009 – Saturday, June 20, 2009 Midnight.

Voting: Sunday, June 21 - Sunday, June 28, 2009, Midnight.

The results will be published in the Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Sketchbook.

Recent letters to the Sketchbook editors and discussions on various forums indicate that some assumptions about a kukai must be spelled out. From now on (April 1, 2008), Haiku entered in the Sketchbook kukai must be previously unpublished; they must not be workshopped; they must not appear on any list, forum, group, blog, or in print. In short, if the haiku has appeared on the internet or in print we consider it to have been published. The voting in a kukai is anonymous and publication anywhere voids anonyminity. Any haiku found to be previously published will be disqualified.


Announcing May / June 2009 "Wedding" Thread

The theme of the May / June 2009 haiku thread will be anything to do with weddings.

Writers may post an unlimited number of haiku to the "wedding" Thread.

Subject Line: May / June 2009 "wedding" haiku thread.

Deadline: Midnight Friday, June 26, 2009.


Author, Country

All Haiku received will be posted daily on-line at  May - June 2009 "wedding" Haiku Thread.

The Sketchbook editors will select their Monthly Haiku Choice from this thread for publication in the Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Sketchbook.



Sketchbook is an E-Journal for 
Eastern and Western Short Verse Forms

In 2009 Sketchbook will be published on the last day of each month bi-monthly:  February, April, June, August, October, and December.

Submission deadline: 20th of each publishing month six times a year.

Submissions are open to the general public.

Send to:
Subject: Submission + Genre(s) + Author Name

Renhai Editor, Vaughn Seward:

Read the complete submission guidelines



Sketchbook Special Features
March / April 30, 2009, Vol. 4, No. 2


Featuring Sketchbook Authors
for March / April 30, 2009, Vol. 4, No. 2

Featuring Sketchbook II Authors
for March / April 30, 2009, Vol. 4, No. 2

Free Verse

Triparshva Renku


Vaughn Seward, Renhai Editor

Send all renhai submissions to Vaughn Seward


Contemporary Renga

Karina Klesko, US and Judth Gorgone, USPilgrimage



In the Foothills:

A Triparshva Renku

Don Baird, US; Karen Cesar, US; Norman Darlington, IE; Kathy Earsman, AU; chibi (Dennis Holmes), US; Carol Raisfeld, US; Kala Ramesh, IN; Moira Richards, ZA

Sabaki: Linda Papanicolaou



Rengay Through The Seasons

by Masago and Friends


Early SpringMarch: 27-31 (This Issue)

Mid Spring—April: 32-35 (This Issue)

AutumnSeptember: 1-5
October: 6-9
November: 10-13
WinterDecember: 14-18
Mid-Winter—January: 19-22
Late-Winter—February: 23-26




Introduction to Flexible Forms: "Cherita"

Larry Kimmel, US




Happy Mother's Day Video

by Shanna Baldwin Moore





Contributing Editor Jeff Spahr-Summers

Jeff is the creator and editor of  Poetry Victims

The March / April 2009, issues are now on line:

Vol. 6, Issue 3: Features haiga by Ed Baker, art by zzbaggins, and the poetry of Rob Geisen and Jeff Spahr-Summers

Vol. 6, Issue 4:  Features art by Michael A. Crowley and the poetry of Cindy Stell and J. A. Spahr-Summers

Vol. 6 Issue 5: Features art by Amy Kohut and zzbaggins and poetry by Christian Drake and J. A. Spahr-Summers

Don't miss the Not Quite so Personal and Irregular Diary by zzbaggins in each of the above issues.



Jeff Spahr-Summers: Once I was a PuristSome Perspectives on Slam Poetry

Please use the back arrow in the main
browser to return to Sketchbook

Karina Klesko, Editor



Enter the Book Fair

Featured Books of the Month


Phyllis Jean Green

Above and Below



Aju Mukhopadhyay

Sri Aurobindo and The Mother


The Art of Haiku, Gerald England, ed.
Spirit Harvest, Trish Shields
unfinished book, Deborah P. Kolodji
Flowers of Life, Brian Strand
Shorthand of the Heart, Brian Strand
Poiema: Ekphrasis Poems, Brian Strand
Phaneros, A Selection of Lanternes, Brian Strand

Things Just Come Through, Ed Baker
Cobweb, Cristian Mocanu
Watching the Bud of Dream, Rita Odeh
The Language of Sparrows, Andreas Gripp
Like Darwin Among the Gods,
Andreas Gripp
Presence of Mind, Jim Kacian
Oklahoma Heat, Marc Thompson
(C)opyright Sign, Daniela Bullas
Animals are Nature's Poetry, Helen Bar-Lev
Cyclamens And Swords, Helen Bar-Lev
The Haiku Handbook, William J. Higginson
San Francisco Blues, A. D. Winans
whispers from hell, A. D. Winans
The Reagan Psalms CD, A. D. Winans
Rustle of Bamboo Leaves, Vicgtor P. Gendrano
Coast Lines,
Trish Shields and Katherine Gordon
Fire Pearls, M. Kei, editor
Heron Sea: Short Poems of the Chesapeake Bay, M. Kei
The Poetic Image, Alan Summers and Roger Brown
moments, Gillena Cox
seasons of a hermitess, an'ya
Fire and Rain, RD Armstrong
Beads on Blossoms, Andreas Gripp
On/Off The Beaten Path: The Road Poems, RD. Armstrong, (Raindog)
Last Call: The Legacy of Charles Bukowski: The Saga Continues, RD. Armstrong, (Raindog)
Lost in the Fog, Lyn Lifshin
The Whole Body Singing, Quendryth Young
El Pagano and Other Twisted Tales, RD Armstrong
Marking Time, A. D. Winans
Restoration Poems, Ed Baker
As If, Angela Consolo Mankiewicz
The Reagan Pslams CD, A. D. Winans
Hesitant Commitments, Pris Campbell
The Dark Abode, Dr.Sarojini Sahoo
The World Behind it, Chaos, Michael Dickel
Above and Beyond, Phyllis Jean Green
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Aju Mukhopadhyay


March / April 2009 "spring dreams" Kukai Results

    First Place: Jacek Margolak, PL

    Second Place: John Thompson, US

    Third Place: Sheila Windsor, UK

Read the "spring dreams" results

42 Participating Kukai Poets

Barbara Anderson, US; Raquel D. Bailey, JM; Ed Baker, US; Robin Beshers, US; Gerry Bravi, CA; Daniela Bullas, UK; John Carley, UK; Gillena Cox, TT; Martin Cohen, US; Magdalena Dale, RO; John Daleiden, US; Mary Davila, US; Andrzej Dembończyk, PL: Garry Eaton, CA; Victor P. Gendrano, US; Harvey Jenkins, CA; Manu Kant, IN; Bill Kenney, US; Klesko Karina, US; Krzysztof Kokot, PL; Catherine J. S. Lee, US; Robert Lucky, CN; Jacek Margolak, PL; Ioan Marinescu-Puiu, RO; K. A. Martin, CA; John McDonald, UK; Tracy McPherson, US; Aju Mukhopadhyay, IN; Bill Pauly, US; Zhanna P. Rader, US; Terrie Leigh Relf, US; Keith A. Simmonds, TT; William Sorlien, US; Cris Staubach, US; Kim Tairi, AU; Barbara A. Taylor, AU; John Thompson, US; Jennie Townsend, US; Eric V. (El Coyote), US; Ella Wagemakers, NL; Sheila Windsor, UK; Eiko Yachimoto, JP

12 Participating Countries

Australia, Canada, China, India, Jamaica, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States


 Editor's Choice

2009 March / April "blossoms" Haiku Thread

Karina's Choices

John's Choices

Read the March / April "blossoms" haiku thread

22 Participating Poets

Ed Baker, US; Robin Beshers, US; Martin Gottlieb Cohen, US; Gillena Cox, TT; John Daleiden, US; Andrzej Dembończyk, PL; Garry Eaton, CA; Phyllis Jean Green, US; Marilyn Hazelton, US; Bill Kenney, US; Karina Klesko, US; Krzysztof Kokot, PL; Catherine J. S. Lee, US; Jacek Margolak, PL; Ann E. Michael, US; Iga Gala Miemus, PL; Aju Mukhopadhyay, IN; Karen O'Leary, US; Katarzyna Predota, PL; Keith A. Simmonds, TT; Barbara A. Taylor, AU; Susan Weaver, US

Australia, Poland, Romania, Trinadad and Tabogo,  United States:  6 Countries


From The Editor's Desks

Karina Klesko, US and John Daleiden, US


