


June 2008 bride / wedding Haiku Thread




Announcing June 2008 bride / wedding Haiku Thread

For June 2008 the theme of the monthly haiku thread is bride / wedding. Writers may post an unlimited number of haiku to the Thread.

Subject Line: June08 bride / wedding haiku thread.
Deadline: Midnight Thursday, June 26, 2008.

in her white gown
'here comes the bride'
swans circle the pond

Daleiden, US

All Haiku received will be posted on-line at June 2008 bride / wedding Haiku Thread.

The Sketchbook editors will select their Monthly Haiku Choice from this thread for publication in the Monday, June 30, 2008 Sketchbook.



Read the June 31, 2008 Editor's Choices:  Editor Karina Klesko, Editor John Daleiden


The following poets have contributed to the June 30, 2008 bride / wedding Haiku Thread:

Ed Baker, US; Daniela Bullas, UK; John Tiong Chunghoo, ML; Gillena Cox, TT; Magdalena Dale, RO; John Daleiden, US; Tanya Dikova, IL; Manu Kant, IN; Betty Kaplan, US; Bill Kenney, US; Karina Klesko, US; Catherine J. S. Lee, US; Jacek Margolak, PL; Tracy McPherson, US; Vasile Moldovan, RO; Karen O'Leary, US; Peter Pache, US; Sasho Prokopiev, Macedonia; Zhanna P. Rader, US; Kristin Reynolds, US; Keith A. Simmonds, TT; John Stone, US; Constantin Stroe, RO; Eiko Yachimoto, JP; Rafal Zabratynski, PL


Participating Countries: IL: IN: JP; Macedonia; ML; PL; RO; TT; UK; US

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10

A Solo Wedding Renhai by A. D. Winans
Riding the Zeppelin

Wedding Haiku by Karina Klesko


in her white gown
'here comes the bride'

swans circle the pond

# 01. John Daleiden, US

the bride's
veil is lifted
in an empty church

# 02. Karen O'Leary, US

wedding procession
this week's first
the bright morning

# 03 Jacek Margolak, PL

another wedding
a pack of pigeons waits
for the rice shower

# 04. Rafal Zabratynski, PL

here comes the bride
I watch my daughter
walk away

# 05. John Stone, US

a veiled bride—
saturday afternoon

# 06. Gillena Cox, TT

at peace with the world—
war bride holding a baby
says 'Goodbye' with Hope

# 07. Daniela Bullas, UK

patch of fog
on stairs of a cathedral
bride's veil

# 08. Jacek Margolak, PL

gay wedding
his father gave him away
long ago

# 09. Bill Kenney, US

Las Vegas wedding
pastor Elvis
rolls the bones

# 10. John Stone, US

a father's pride
in giving up his daughter—
Saturday's bride

# 11. Gillena Cox, TT

a bride and her beau
before the altar:
a dream come true

# 12. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

rumbling quietly
over the cliff
Bridal Veil Falls

# 13. Jacek Margolak, PL

twenty-five years—
renewing the vows
they've mostly kept

# 14. Bill Kenney, US

he lifts her veil—
the radiance of
his bride's face

# 15. Gillena Cox, TT

candles lit,
guests all gone—
you may now kiss the bride

# 16. Kristin Reynolds, US

exchange of rings
between bride and groom...
a sacred bond

# 17. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

the ominous click
of a best man's pistol
shotgun wedding

# 18. John Stone, US

wedding day
her father and his father
agree on something

# 19. Bill Kenney, US

summer solstice:
during the ceremony
a blushing bride

# 20. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

introducing John
mum hears the wedding bells–
first night at the Proms

# 21. Daniela Bullas, UK

third wedding
her gown retired
for shades of grey

# 22. John Stone, US

till death . . .
the wedding of the widow
and the widower

# 23. Bill Kenney, US

my old garage
a brass nut replaces
the wedding ring

# 24. Jacek Margolak, PL

bridegroom sweating
as guests grow uneasy:
the bride comes at last

# 25. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

month of June
etched on her spirit...
wedding plans

# 26. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

wedding night
trying to think of something else
to do

# 27. Bill Kenney, US

with face flushed
the bride greeting her friends...
mission accomplished

# 28. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

in her white dress
my x
walking down the isle

# 29. Ed Baker, US

June showers:
a bride in tears of joy
as her mate says "I do"

# 30. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

Her second wedding—
this time the dress
is pink.

# 31. Zhanna P. Rader, US

the old spinster
in the throes of regret
opts to be a bride

# 32. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

one man gives his life
Daddy's little girl

# 33. Kristin Reynolds, US

a popular bride:
the ugly duckling
of the family

# 34. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

who is the father
of the bride
3 guys stand up

# 35. Ed Baker, US

summer day...
exultations of joy
a bride in her glory

# 36. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

hanayomo o
matsu umi no mado
tsubo no yuri

waiting for a bride
the ocean-front window
white lilies in a vase

# 37. eiko yachimoto, JP

the bride dances
with her old flame:
husband looks on

# 38. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

full moon
in a white dress
Some Virgin!

# 39. Ed Baker, US

music and dancing
the wedding

# 40. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

june cicada
"hear cums the bride"

# 41. Ed Baker, US

June sunshine:
after the honeymoon
the bride in glow

# 42. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

her belly full
this June Bride

# 43. Ed Baker, US

the grand wedding
moments of joy and sadness...
mum's only daughter

# 44. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

brides maids worry—
best man waits—
the happy couple steals a kiss...

# 45. Kristin Reynolds, US

the old couple
holding hands at the wedding:
fond memories

# 46. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

morning of the June event
she gives birth
just another happenstance

# 47. Ed Baker, US

twin sisters
joining with twin brothers:
family wedding

# 48. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

The bride's bouquet,
caught by a twelve-year-old—
a merry laughter.

# 49. Zhanna P. Rader, US

two childhood friends
joining their destiny...
an exultant bride

# 50. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

wedding cortege
on the highway—two balloons
continue chasing...

#51. Tanya Dikova, IL

the pastor reacts
"this is a 'blessed event..
another Magdalena'

# 52. Ed Baker, US

arctic fox
dressed all in white—
the ice-queen takes a mate

# 53. Kristin Reynolds, US

Bride and Groom
flower confetti
tin cans on a string

# 54. Tracy McPherson, US

So lovely, the bride—
the old ladies' eyes
well up with tears.

# 55. Zhanna P. Rader, US

wedding bells...
young hearts throbbing
in expectancy

# 56. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

At seventy five,
his chance to marry
his sixth-grade love.

# 57. Zhanna P. Rader, US

down the aisle
a proud father walking...
his little girl's wedding

# 58. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

Both sixty
and soon to be married—
their playfulness!

# 59. Zhanna P. Rader, US

nervous glances,
and butterflies—
I may now pronounce you...

# 60. Kristin Reynolds, US

wedding day
guests cramped
in the bomb- shelter

# 61. Tanya Dikova, IL

a new dawn:
in her floating gown
the bride is all smiles

# 62. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

Bridal procesion:
in the depth of the lake
the moon's wedding ring

# 63. Vasile Moldovan, RO

little girls
playing in their doll house—
wedding dreams

# 64. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

two hearts
joined as one—
the confetti flies...

# 65. Kristin Reynolds, US

The wedding ceremony:
he marries his love,
tears in his eyes.

# 66. Zhanna P. Rader, US

Shyly tiptoeing
on the twinkling canopy:
the moon like a bride

# 67. Vasile Moldovan, RO

church bells pealing
friends and onlookers gather:
here comes the bride

# 68. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

After the wedding
the bride's legs
in cold water

# 69. Vasile Moldovan, RO

Red against white—
the little roses
in the bride's hands.

# 70. Zhanna P. Rader, US

Wedding season—
even the moon is wearing
a white bride veil

# 71. Vasile Moldovan, RO

The bachelor
puts the garter on the bride—
a shapely leg...

# 72. Zhanna P. Rader, US

words of wisdom
admonitions and advice—
toast to a young bride

# 73. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

In the bride's hair,
in the groom's buttonhole,
cherry blossoms.

# 74. Zhanna P. Rader, US

in her white gown:
a pregnant bride

# 75. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

the bride in white
watched from above
mountain bluebird

# 76. Peter Pache, US

the bride and groom
on a boat to Hawai...
honeymoon bliss

# 77. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

A garden wedding—
the veil hides the bride's
tears of happiness.

# 78. Zhanna P. Rader, US

Unveiled and kissed—
the young bride's smile,
reflected in each face.

#79 Zhanna P. Rader

a white rain…
even over the wedding guests
grains of rice

# 80. Magdalena Dale, RO

groom discovers all
after the honeymoon:
the bride's true colours

# 81. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

the awakening...
a bride in her splendour
beauty of love

# 82. Keith A. Simmonds, TT

The world wonder:
under the cherry blossoms
a barefoot bride

# 83. Constantin Stroe, RO

a young bride
with an old bridal dress…
weeping eyes

# 84. Magdalena Dale, RO

book—Wedding Planner
minus the cost of dowry—
$ 10

# 85. Manu Kant, IN

book—Wedding Planner
a cheap Rupees 300
dowry's cost - life

# 86. Manu Kant, IN

groom's happiness
a bride with nose ring & dowry—
for life

# 87. Manu Kant, IN

On the bride's hand
a blue butterfly...
trace of a kiss

# 88. Constantin Stroe, RO

"green" wedding
the guests throw birdseed
instead of rice

# 89. Catherine J. S. Lee, US

Bride crown—
over this hill the rainbow
unites two valleys

# 90. Constantin Stroe, RO

"The sun is a star",
morning song sings
a playful bride.

# 91. Sasho Prokopiev, Macedonia

Bride and bridegroom—
a bunch of flowers forgotten at
the registrar of marriages

# 92. Constantin Stroe, RO

English war bride
a horseshoe trails
from her bouquet

# 93. Catherine J. S. Lee, US

Red cover
for bride and bridegroom...
the autumn leaves

# 94. Constantin Stroe, RO

Voice of bride—a river.
Toward the well above
The man is traveling. Warm.

# 95. Sasho Prokopiev, Macedonia

Late autumn—
even the bride's flowers
have withered

# 96. Constantin Stroe, RO

both bride and groom
in black and eyeliner
goth wedding

# 100. Catherine J. S. Lee, US

St. Valentine's Day—
the last flakes melting
in the bride's hand

# 98. Constantin Stroe, RO

Midday or midnight?
In the sleepy bride's eyes
love is nesting itself.

# 99. Sasho Prokopiev, Macedonia

The old picture album
grandma's wedding gown
shows like new

# 100. Constantin Stroe, RO

honeymoon cut short—
the bride trades resort wear
for desert fatigues

# 101. Catherine J. S. Lee, US

Golden wedding—
wedding party dozing
in the waltz rhythm

# 102. Constantin Stroe, RO

wisps of fog
veil the wild roses
seaside wedding

# 103. Catherine J. S. Lee, US

flower-decked altar—
she clutches Daddy's arm
a moment longer

# 104. Catherine J. S. Lee, US

a flight of white doves
orange blossoms and baby’s breath
bridal bouquet

# 105. John Daleiden, US

behind the veil
her radiant smile—
a rose bud opens

# 106.

second marriage
they renew their vows
every five years

# 107.


getting in the wrong limo
june bug

# 108.

# 109.

# 110.


Read the June 31, 2008 Editor's Choices:  Editor Karina Klesko, Editor John Daleiden





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