Cover Art














Jerry Dreesen

Blue Blossoms



Laryalee Fraser, CA—Haiga; Mike Keville, UK and Susan Constable, CA—Collaborative Haiga; Pris Campbell, US and Geoff Sanderson, UK—Collaborative Photo Haiga; Gillena Cox—Haiga; Mary Davila, US—Photo Haiga; Elizabeth Howard, US and Jennifer Quillen—Collaborative Haiga; Allison Millcock, AU—Haiga;  Ron Moss—Haiga; Maya Lyubenova, BG—Visual Shape Poetry; Shanna Baldwin Moore, US—Photo Haiga


Art of Saul Bernstein, US

Magic S(for saul)



The Art of Elena Ray

Elena Ray: A Gallery

Elena Ray is the April 2008 Sketchbook Cover artist. 






$100,000 lifetime achievement award

one of largest to poets

Read Details


Sketchbook Authors
April 30, 2008, Vol. 3, No. 4

RD Armstorng, US
Ed Baker, US
Helen Bar-Lev, IL
Gary Blankenship, US
Gerry Bravi, CA
Pris Campbell, US
Susan Constable, CA
Gillena Cox, TT
John Daleiden, US
Jon Davey, UK
Jerry Dreesen, US
Laryalee Fraser, CA
Judith Gorgone, US
Andreas Gripp, CA
Elizabeth Howard, US
Paul Ingrassia, US
Vidur Jyoti, IN
Betty Kaplan, US
Michael Kleiza, CA
Karina Klesko, US
Mike Keville, UK
Angelika Kolompar, CA
Catherine J. S. Lee, US
Maya Lyubenova, BG
Allison Millcock, AU
Vasile Moldovan, RO
Shanna Baldwin Moore, US
Ron Moss, AU
Karen O'Leary, US
Aleksandar Prokopiev, Macedonia
Zhanna P. Rader, US
Kristin A. Reynolds, US
Kevin Ryan, UK
Geoff Sanderson, UK
Vaughn Seward, CA
Dr. Ram Sharma, IN
Trish Shields, CA
Keith A. Simmonds, TT
Jeffrey Spahr-Summers, US
Brian Strand, UK

Craig Tigerman, US

Max Verhart, NL
A. D. Winans, US
Don Wiggins, US
Tad Wojnicki, US/TW
Eiko Yachimoto, JP

A - M  Sketchbook Biographies

N - Z  Sketchbook Biographies




Read the Poems by Genre

Acrostic, Cinqku, Cinquain, Couplets, Crystalline, Dorsimbra, Fibonacci, Free Verse, Ghazal, Haibun, Haiga, Haiku, Kyoka, Lanterne, Light Verse, Mondo, Pantoum, Renga, Rengay, Renhai, Renku, Rondeau, Sedoka, Shan-zi, Shisan, Sijo, Sonnet, Stella Renga, Senryu, Tanka, Tetractys, Triolet


Writer's Handbook

Gillena Cox—Proposing The Tankatwist: A New Form


Connecting to Our Sister Publication

Sentinel Poetry (Online)

We are pleased to announce 

Nnorom Okezie Azuonye

NEW Sketchbook Contributing Editor

Nnorom Azuonye is the author of Letter to God & Other Poems (2003), and The Bridge Selection: Poems for the Road (2005). The Founder and Administrator of Sentinel Poetry Movement - the International Community of Writers and Artists since 2002

Azuonye is also the Editor of the magazines: Sentinel Poetry, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, and the forthcoming Excellence - a magazine of Christian Living. He lives in London, United Kingdom with his wife Thelma Amaka and son Arinze Chinedum.


Global Correspondents


Connecting to Trinidad and Tobago


by Gillena Cox



Connecting to South Africa

5: Nightmares and Snakes

by Jeff Spahr-Summers



Connecting to India

Play with Caste

by Aju Mukhopadhyay



Connecting to Israel

Wild Orchids

by Helen-Bar Lev





John Tiong Chunghoo, Malaysia
Gillena Cox, Trinidad
Sally Evans, Scotland
Helen Bar-Lev, Israel
Cristian Mocanu, Romania  
Aju Mukhopadhyay, India
Rita Odeh, Israel
Kala Ramesh, India
E. E. Sule, Nigeria

Various Correspondents will be featured from month to month.




Announcing May 2008 Kukai

For the May 2008 Kukai submit one to three HAIKU using the kigo barefoot. The exact word(s) must be used in the haiku. No more than a total of three haiku may be submitted. Haiku submitted to the kukai should not be workshopped, appear on-line in forums, or in print.



Subject:May08 barefoot Kukai

Submissions: Thursday, May 01, 2008 – Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Midnight.

Voting: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 – Tuesday, May 27, 2008, Midnight.

The results will be published in the Saturday, May 31, 2008 Sketchbook

Recent letters to the Sketchbook editors and discussions on various forums indicate that some assumptions about a kukai must be spelled out. From now on (April 1, 2008), Haiku entered in the Sketchbook kukai must be previously unpublished; they must not be workshopped; they must not appear on any list, forum, group, blog, or in print. In short, if the haiku has appeared on the internet or in print we consider it to have been published. The voting in a kukai is anonymous and publication anywhere voids anonyminity. Any haiku found to be previously published will be disqualified.



Announcing May 2008 Motherhood Haiku Thread

For May 2008 the theme of the monthly haiku thread is Motherhood—anything about mothers. Writers may post an unlimited number of haiku to the Thread.

Subject Line: May08 Motherhood haiku thread.
Deadline: Midnight Tusday, May 27,  2008.

three blue-green eggs
in the window ledge nest—
rock-a-bye baby

John Daleiden, US

All Haiku received will be posted on-line at May 2008 Motherhood Haiku Thread.

The Sketchbook editors will select their Monthly Haiku Choice from this thread for publication in the Saturday, May 31, 2008 Sketchbook.




Sketchbook is an E-Journal for 
Eastern and Western Short Verse Forms

Submission deadline: 20th of each month

Sketchbook will be published on the last day of each month twelve times a year

Submissions are open to the general public.

Send to:
Subject: Submission + Genre(s) + Author Name

Read the complete submission guidelines




Sketchbook Special Features
April 30, 2008, Vol. 3, No. 4

Rengay Authors

Gillena Cox, TT; John Daleiden, US; Betty Kaplan, US; Max Verhart, NL; Dr. Vidur Jyoti, IN

Read the Rengay


Karina Klesko, US & Linda Papanicolaou, US

Renku Graphic Shisan

Images and Verses by Karina Klesko, US and Linda Papanicolaou, US—Bell Crickets

Contemporary Renga

Judith Gorgone, US and Don Wiggins, US—Looking for Love

Haiku Sequence

Vasile Moldovan—Lime Leaf

Experimental Haiku

Maya Lyubenova, BG—Three Haiku

Defining Haiku

Marlene Mountain—'the japanese haiku' and so on

Marlene Mountain—unaloud.....and .....aloud....


Vaughn Seward, CA and Zhanna P. Rader, US—Spring Signatures

Betty Kaplan, US and Vaughn Seward, CA—The First Time

Gillena Cox, TT and Shanna Baldwin Moore,US—Going Green  

Vaughn Seward, CA and Betty Kaplan, US—Against the Cold

Shanna Baldwin Moore, US and Gillena Cox, TT—In The Clearing

April 2008 Renhai Collection



April / May Renhai Workshop

Starting April 13, 2008 TheOutlawPoets will be sponsoring a 10-day Renhai Workshop. Several Renhai poems will be written step-by-step over the course the workshop. Vaughn Seward and Zhanna P. Rader will host the workshop. Sketchbook writers and readers are invited to join in to watch, comment, and even participate (depending on your interest and time). It is anticipated that some of the renhai written during this workshop will be submitted for inclusion in the April - May, 2008 issues of Sketchbook.

For more information and background about Renhai, check out the Sketchbook Renhai section of this issue.

To be part of the Renhai workshop, click on the following link and join the "Renhai Studio" Yahoo Group. Anyone is welcome to join.


Tad Wojnicki, US/TW—Bean There Dawn That, Nosh on a Knish

Jon Davey, UK—One Last Cast

Betty Kaplan, US—Meeting Charlie, Her Name was Flora

Maya Lyubenova, BG—A Place in my Memories

Eiko Yachimoto, JP—Pains and Petals

Photo Tanka

Karina Klesko, US and Kevin Ryan, UK—Photo Tanka


Mark Savage

Souls And Passions


Ed Baker, US

full moon

Wild OrchidPoems by Ed Baker and Sumi'e by Fay Chin, 2002

A Note on the Final Draft of Wild Orchid


Sketchbook II

Volume 1, No. 3  April 30, 2008


The OutlawPoets II


Venice Beach Photo Gallery

Shanna Baldwin Moore

A Gallery of Venice Beach Photos


A. D. Winans, US—Free Verse: Fire Ants, Visiting La Guna Honda Old Age Home, For the Young, Superman and the FBI, Both And Bar

Stosh Machek, US—Free Verse: *santos de la maquina del gumball  *(gumball machine saints)


Feature for April / May 2008

A Retrospective of A. D. Winans' Work


Shanna Baldwin Moore, US—Photo Haiga

Shanna Baldwin Moore, US—The Venice Beat Poets–The Great River Outside the Mainstream –James Ryan Morris

James Ryan Morris, US—Four Poems: She Said, The Hope, Face to Face, The Relief

R. D. Armstrong, US—Free Verse: Eyes Like Mingus, The Little Red Book

Sander Roscoe Wolff Interviews Raindog

Pris Campbell, US—Free Verse: Catboat In Blue, Degas' Ghost

Tracy McPherson, US—Free Verse: Haiku Backwards, Guide to Love: Test Your Compatibility!, The Roster, don't want to go to bed without you

Tracy McPherson, US

Kona Coffee Pickin' and Processing

Gary Blankenship—Free Verse: After Howl VI, W Does Haiku, A Bush I: The First Edition Always Lands on the Roof, A Bush II: The Second Will Be Thrown in the Barberries, A Bush III: A Third Lay in the Rain until I Picked It up, A Bush IV: Today the Paper Boy Is Late, A Bush V: A Sudden Wind Blew the Comics across the Lawn, A Bush VI: The Dog Ate the Obituaries, A Bush VII: The Paper Stopped We Forgot to Restart It

Joseph Farley—Free Verse: The Knock At The Door, Winter Rose, alone, Memorial, The Days of The Week, cold cash, Twenty Years Later, Farewell To Thee, Reprieve, When It Rains It Pours, Tokyo Rose,

Lyn Lifshin—Five Poems from Cove Point: Ring, Child Prodigy's Time To Die, Something Great Mom Says, Blue At The Table In The Hot Sun, After 15 Years

Lyn Lifshin—Four Poems from January Poems, 2006: Rage January 4, 2006; January 4 Rage; Rage Even After Ballet; Rage, January

G. David Schwartz—Free Verse: If I Had One Wish, I Know, Close The Venetian Blinds, I’ll Never Tell

The Little Black Book


Little Black Book Guidelines



Sketchbook II Editors:

Karina Klesko

John Daleiden

Shanna Baldwin Moore


childwriter's cover

childwriter's contents: January 31, 2008: Vol. 1, No. 1

Brian Strand, UK—Vignette-on Two Levels

Michemon, JP—Illustrator—Children's Books: Gallery 1; Gallery 2; Michemon Biography is conducting an earth friendly and fun haiku contest to help kids learn to keep the planet clean and healthy!

The contest aims to promote the introduction of haiku into the curricula of elementary and junior high school, spread the enjoyment and teach a comprehensive understanding of poetic forms and environmental awareness, so important today.

The contest is open to individual students. Planetpals encourages this as a lesson plan or activity for schools, camps, organizations and homeschools. This contest starts on February 22, 2008 and closes on April 22, 2008. Click here for complete information.


"Crane or Stork" Kukai Results

     First Place: Melissa Spurr, US

     Second Place: Jacek Margolak, PL

     Third Place: Vasile Moldovan, RO

Read the winning haiku in the  "Crane or Stork" Kukai 



 Editor's Choice

2008 April "Bolossom" Haiku Thread

Karina's Choices

John's Choices

Read the "Blossom" haiku thread


From The Editor's Desk

Karina Klesko


Enter the Book Fair

Featured Books of the Month

A. D. Winans

San Francisco Blues



The Art of Haiku, Gerald England, ed.
Spirit Harvest, Trish Shields
unfinished book, Deborah P. Kolodji
Flowers of Life, Brian Strand
Shorthand of the Heart, Brian Strand
Poiema: Ekphrasis Poems, Brian Strand
Phaneros, A Selection of Lanternes, Brian Strand

Things Just Come Through, Ed Baker
Cobweb, Cristian Mocanu
Watching the Bud of Dream, Rita Odeh
The Language of Sparrows, Andreas Gripp
Like Darwin Among the Gods,
Andreas Gripp
Presence of Mind, Jim Kacian
Oklahoma Heat, Marc Thompson
(C)opyright Sign, Daniela Bullas
Animals are Nature's Poetry, Helen Bar-Lev
Cyclamens And Swords, Helen Bar-Lev
The Haiku Handbook, William J. Higginson
San Francisco Blues, A. D. Winans
whispers from hell, A. D. Winans
Rustle of Bamboo Leaves, Vicgtor P. Gendrano
Coast Lines,
Trish Shields and Katherine Gordon
Fire Pearls, M. Kei, editor
Heron Sea: Short Poems of the Chesapeake Bay, M. Kei
The Poetic Image, Alan Summers and Roger Brown
moments, Gillena Cox
seasons of a hermitess, an'ya
Fire and Rain, RD Armstrong
Beads on Blossoms, Andreas Gripp








































































































































































Sketchbook logo by Judith Gorgone

Copyright © 2006-2008 Sketchbook and  All rights reserved