A Journal for Eastern & Western Short Forms

Cover Art













Links to issues:

Oct 1-1
Nov 1-2

Dec 1-3




Shanna Baldwin Moore

December Haiga   

December 31, 2006, Volume 1, No. 3



Say it loud, Mr Brown

(A kwansaba for James Brown)

A great tree whose leaves scented hearts
has fallen; it fell on Christmas day.
The great spirit works fresh new grooves,
ageless words gifted life with rapid feet
cheered by the welcome party; Ray Charles,
Marvin Gaye, Bob Marley, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, chanting,
"Say it loud, you're black and great."

- Nnorom Azuonye
Dartford, UK December 26th 2006




Sketchbook is an E-Journal for  TheOutlawPoets  
and The Poetrybridge writers

Submission deadline: 20th of each month

 Send to:  

Subject: Submission + Name


Announcing January 2007 Kukai

For the January 2007 Kukai submit one to three FREE FORMAT haiku on the theme JANUARY WEATHER. See the Editor's Desk for details.

The results will be published in the January 31, 2007 Sketchbook.



Announcing January 2007 Haiku Thread

For January 2007 the theme for the monthly haiku thread will be  any kind of BIRD. See the Editor's Desk for details.

The editors will select their Monthly Haiku Choice from this thread for publication on January 31, 2007 Sketchbook.




Special Features

Betty Kaplan and Max Verhart: Rengay
     A Missing Page
     Closed for Repairs

Betty Kaplan, Max Verhart, Sue Mill: A Renga
     Pictures in the Album

A Tribute to Betty Kaplan: Chapter 2
Nine Watercolors,
 Light Verse,  Haibun 1, 
      Haibun 2, In History

 Ed Baker:  What's A Phantasy?

Vaughn Seward and Karina Klesko, Sprigs of Holly: Christmas Renga

Book Fair:

    The Art of Haiku, Gerald England, ed.
     Spirit Harvest, Trish Shields
     unfinished book, Deborah P. Kolodji
     Flowers of Life, Brian Strand
     Shorthand of the Heart, Brian Strand
     Poiema: Ekphrasis poems, Brian Strand
     Things Just Come Through,  Ed Baker
     Cobweb, Cristian Mocanu
     Watching the Buds of Dream, Rita Odeh
     The Language of Sparrows, Andreas Gripp
      Like Darwin Among the Gods, Andreas Gripp
      Presence of Mind, Jim Kacian
      Oklahoma Heat, Marc Thompson


The OutlawPoets II

A. D. Winans:  Free Verse
F. N. Wright,  Two Art Rengas:
     In Search of the Poet
     Art Renga
Shanna Baldwin Moore:
      Venice Beach 1959 Photo Essay

Collaborative Collage and Poems:
     Karina Klesko, Collage Machine II
     Gerry Bravi, Poems

Shanna Baldwin Moore, former Art Director of the Gas House at Venice Beach, has been appointed moderator of TheOutlawPoets II.


Editor's Monthly Haiku Choice

Nnorom Azuonye, Gerry Bravi,
Betty Kaplan, Shanna Baldwin Moore,
Rita Odeh, Vaughn Seward

Read the Choice "outerwear" haiku


 2006 December Hunt Kukai

  First Place:
        Karina Klesko

  Second Place:
        John Daleiden

  Third Place:
        Zhanna P. Rader

Read the Hunt haiku


From The Editor's Desks

Karina Klesko

John Daleiden


Contest Information

New North American Short-Poem Contest
Deadline December 31



A Writer's Handbook

 Tetractys:  The Mystical Count, John Daleiden


Cover Art

Helen Bar-Lev was born in New York; she studied art at the Cooper Union and New York University and received a B.A. in Anthropology from California State University in 1972.  She is a well known Jerusalem-based artist who has held exhibitions around the globe. She is renowned for her delicately unique technique combining pen and brush to achieve a level of detail rarely seen in watercolor paintings.  Her poems have appeared in many journals and e-zines.